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Notices to general public: Harimal Corporation Private Limited is a company registered under the Indian Companies Act. We do not have any franchisees and/or sister concerns. Harimal does not charge any fees or charges for employing any contractual, temporary employee and/or consultant or any other associate. All appointments are made on the basis of pure merit and skill. If you have received or have been informed of any fees or charges of any kind for the purpose of being provided employment then the information is false and must be reported to us at


Ethics and code of conduct:

The legal policy of Harimal follows the letter and the spirit of the law. The code of conduct governs how Harimal conducts business with its customers, suppliers, clients and partners. And how we expect our suppliers, vendors and partners to work on our behalf.

The Code affirms our eight principles of conduct:


  • Conduct Business with Honesty and Integrity

  • Follow the Letter and Spirit of the Law

  • Treat each other fairly and with honesty

  • Act in the best interests of Harimal and avoid conflicts of interest

  • Protect the Company’s assets and reputation

  • Zero tolerance for corruption and/or bribery in letter and spirit

  • Practice good corporate citizenship

  • Conduct business agnostic of religion or politics


We have a zero tolerance policy on corruption and we do not employ, partner with or contract business to anyone who violates or has violated any Anti Corruption laws and policies.


  • All Harimal employees must adhere and show ethical behavior in business relations and must adhere to all applicable laws and regulations regarding protection, use, publication and transparency of company, personal, or confidential information.


  • All employees, must comply with local and national laws related to bribery, extortion and other forms of corruption, and with other applicable laws including Prevention of Corruption Act, the Foreign Corruption Practices Act etc. The Employee will refrain from any practices relating to corruption or bribery, including payment or acceptance of payment to influence decision-making and obtaining or maintaining benefits.


  • The Company follows a zero tolerance policy towards corruption. All vendors and suppliers, will comply with local and national laws related to bribery, extortion and other forms of corruption, and with other applicable laws including Prevention of Corruption Act, the Foreign Corruption Practices Act etc. The employee will refrain from any practices relating to corruption or bribery, including payment or acceptance of payment to influence decision-making and obtaining or maintaining benefits. They will not directly or indirectly offer, payment, promise to pay, or authorized payment, or offered a gift, promised to give, or authorized the giving of anything of value to any employee of Harimal as well as Government Officials, and private organizations. Bribes and kickbacks may not be offered or solicited, whether directly or through a third party to solicit any favors for unlawful gain when conducting work or business on behalf of or for Harimal. For details please refer to the suppliers agreement.


  • Harimal employees do not need gifts or gratuities and we prefer you not give us any. Gifts may be viewed as an attempt to bribe the Harimal employee and will be rendered with strict action.


  • All suppliers, vendors and service providers must disclose in writing: Company ownership information and details of any friends or family members of the supplier who are Harimal employees.


  • All partners, vendors and suppliers must adhere and show ethical behavior in business relations and to adhere to all applicable laws and regulations regarding protection, use, publication and transparency of company, personal, or confidential information.

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